Your upline wants to help fuel your internal fire and lay a foundation for your business. A business that gives you butterflies every morning!
Use this opportunity to brainstorm with the BEST and the BRIGHTEST coaches on your team of dreamers and do-ers --- and most importantly to DRIVE your thoughts, habits and actions FORWARD with unprecedented momentum.
To get the MOST out of any training group, a little planning and preparation can go a long way. Control the controllable- Set goals just one more inch, rep and conversation outside of your comfort zone, and soak up the training.
Use the experience to brainstorm, interact and connect with other coaches from your team (and lifelong friendships will flourish)!
5 Tips to Help you Get the MOST out of a Beachbody Coach Training Group
- Plug In & Interact!
Pull out your planner & set aside some time daily to check into the group. The lessons are wonderful, but the real MAGIC happens in the comments! Implement, ask questions, share ideas, and give one another feedback.
Energy begets energy!
Think about how you feel when you are around people who are positively energized- jazzed up about what they are working on- suddenly you start to feel more excited and energized! Now you're both buzzing! The excitement and energy compounds as more people jump in and interact...suddenly momentum kicks in and you are flooded with ideas & positivity!You can use a fun tracker like this, or I recommend the "Day Designer" planners at Target! - Set Goals
When you have clear goals and a vision, your mind get to work creating it! It will help you stay focused about what you want to accomplish, and help you break it down into manageable steps.
At the beginning of your training, I want you to envision your future. What do you want to accomplish? Why is it so important to you?
If you want to take things one step further...dip deep. Imagine your future and visualize what it will feel like when you achieve success milestones! When you visualize what success looks/feels like, you will be much more consistent & excited about staying the course.
VISUALIZE your business 30 days from now. In one month, what do you want to celebrate?smile emoticon
How many people did you help?
How many Success Club points will you have?
Exactly how much money will you make each week?
How many Coaches will you have on your Team?
How many will be Success Starters?
How many Emeralds will you have by then?
What will your Challenge Groups look like?
What is the IDEAL Coach/Leader that you want to BECOME?
These are just SOME of the questions you MIGHT want to answer. It's helpful to pull out a sheet of paper and do a brain dump (just jot down what comes to mind)
After you have created a vision in your mind, write a letter to yourself dated 30 days from today that details all the changes and growth you have experienced. Again, be VERY DETAILED. The more detailed you are, the more likely you are to achieve it!
Once you have created that vision, you can work backwards and set goals and action steps to get you there. - Keep Track
Michael Phelps wouldn't get in the pool without a clock! Unless you are tracking your business, you don't know if you are improving.
I know it can feel a bit tedious, but tracking also keeps you focused on your goals & keeps you RESULTS oriented (instead of getting sucked into busy work or Facebook scrolling).
This is the best way to see the effort behind the scenes. By sharing your tracker with your sponsor, they can easily see where you need guidance and help you tweak & improve your process.
There are MANY different trackers you can use...
From the Business Activity Tracker in your Coach Online Office... to one that we've made (see below) - Commit to Personal Development
One of the BEST thing you can do for your business is to continue working on your greatest asset...YOURSELF!
Nurturing your mind, body, soul- always stay hungry for growth!
Have you ever heard of the Law on Intentionality (John C. Maxwell)?
You have to be very mindful & INTENTIONAL about your growth. Do not assume you will just automatically grow and learn everything you need to...
If you focus on goals, you may hit goals – but that doesn’t guarantee you growth. If you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit your goals.
Personal Development is the PROACTIVE choice to face your obstacles or roadblocks head on, grow past them and overcome them.
Reading/growing is essential for our business development & taking things to the next level. However, you might not know where to start OR you may be overwhelmed. Don't fret- simply talk to your sponsor coach for recommendations (Scroll down for more suggestions).
If you are a newbie, the first two books I recommend are
A) "Rock Your Network Marketing Business" by Sarah Robbins
B) "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy - Take Notes
Your notes will be one of your most precious resources! At the time, it might not seem like a big deal to take notes...but I have referred by to my notes 6 months, 1 year, 3 years after a training!
You can use Word, GoogleDrive, EverNote or a plain old fashioned notebook...find a method that works for you.
Jot down questions, ideas, actionables and anything that really strikes you.
Tune in to Weekly team calls and take notes. Afterwards, I go through and circle, highlight or add notes to anything I want to implement.
Remember, knowledge without action is useless! So take what you learn and put it to use!
And lastly, have fun!
For more coach training, visit the Coach Training Tab
Personal Development SuggestionsSome ideas to get you rollin'
Understanding Network Marketing:
1. Go Pro- Eric Worre
2. 45 Second Presentation- Don Failla
3. How to be a Network Marketing Superstar- Mary Christensen
4. How to be a Recruiting Superstar- Mary Christensen
5. How To Sell Network Marketing (without fear, anxiety or losing you friends!)- Michael Oliver
6. Beachmoney- Jordan Adler
7. Rock Your Network Marketing Business- Sarah Robbins
8. Your First Year in Network Marketing- Mark Yarnell
9. Building a Network Marketing Business- Scott Welle
10. Building Your Network Marketing Business- Jim Rohn
11. The Psychology of Selling- Brian Tracy
12. FlipFlop CEO
Daily Discipline/Time Management:
1. The Slight Edge- Jeff Olson
2. The Compound Effect- Darren Hardy
3. Eat that Frog- Brian Tracy
4. No Excuses- Brian Tracy
5. The ONE Thing- Gary Keller
6. Go For No- Richard Fenton
7. The Power of Habit-Charles Duhigg
8. Change Anything- Kerry Patterson
9. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard- Chip Heath
10. Self Discipline in 10 Days- Theodore Bryant
11. Power of Focus- Jack Canfield
12. Living Your Best Year ever- Darren Hardy
13. Getting Things Done- David Allen
14. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen R Covey
1. You Can, You Will- Joel Osteen
2. The Magic of Thinking Big- David Schwartz
3. The Charge- Brenden Buchard
4. Lifes Golden Ticket- Brenden Buchard
5. The Power of Intention- Wayne Dyer
6. Crush it- Gary Vaynerchuk
7. Outperform the Norm- Scott Welle
8. Maximum Confidence- Jack Canfield
9. Awaken The Giant Within- Tony Robbins
10. What is Your What- Steve Olsher
11. Failing Forward- John C. Maxwell
12. Playing Big- Tara Mohr
13. Girlboss- Sophia Amoruso
14. Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters- Jon Acuff
15. Quitter: Closing the Gap Between your Day Job and your Dream Job- Jon Acuff16. Every Day a Friday- Joel Osteen
17. Living an Exceptional Life- Jim Rohn
18. Daring Greatly- Brene Brown
1. How to Win Friends & Influence People- Dale Carnegie
2. Start with WHY- Simon Sinek
3. The Go Giver- Bob Berg
4. The Go Giver Sells More- Bob Berg
5. Developing the Leader Within- John C Maxwell
6. Developing the Leaders Around You- John C Maxwell
7. Personality Plus- Florence Littauer
8. Just Listen- Mark Goulston
9. The Fred Factor- Mark Sandborn
10. Everybody Communicates, Few Connect- John C Maxwell
11. Five Love Languages- Gary Chapman
Social Media:
1. Jab Jab Jab Right Hook- Gary Vaynerchuk
2. Platform- Michael Hyatt
3. Likeable Social Media- David Kerpen
5. Crush It: Why Now is the Time...-Gary Vaynerchuk
Goal Setting:
1. PUSH- Chalene Johnson
2. Goals!- Brian Tracey
3. The Desire Map- Danielle LaPorte
4. Unlimited- Jillian Michaels
1. Tribes- Seth Godin
2. Entreleadership- Dave Ramsey
3. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
4. Pretty much ANY book by John C Maxwell
5. Born to Win- Zig Ziglar
6. The Success Principles- Jack Canfield
7. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership- John Maxwell
8. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone- Simon Sinek
9. People Follow You- Jeb Blount10. Strengths Finder 2.0- Tom Rath
Nutrition and Clean Eating:
1. Eat Clean Recharged- Tosca Reno
2. Made to Crave- Lysa Turkeurst